I'm frequently scared of the world, my role in it, and question whether I have it in me to do the tasks I'm supposed to. Is that hard to understand?
Of course, there are days when I'm filled to the brim with confidence but if you've ever felt unsure and insignificant, you know that this pain can be kind of dilapidating. It can immerse you in a state of dull despair for days. You question everything. You doubt whether you will be able to achieve anything in life. in fact, you are not certain if you can get through life, sometimes.
So, I heard from my boss. He congratulated me on something that I had done way back in February whose effect was just now showing. I've been on furlough for months now. Hence, my first instinct was to credit the accomplishment backto him. But I paused. What if I did something radical and just acknowledged it?
"Thank you"
"Yes, you did very well. Good work! We have been doing pretty well on other spheres, too. And we have more to do when you come back."
I've decided to shrug off the doubts and fear for today. I will conquer my little world.

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