Thursday 9 May 2019

the women I admire

  • women who exercise
  • women who keep their houses neat and tidy without any prompts
  • women who take their children out for playdates (I have only seen them on Instagram, though)
  • women who don't wear saris and gold jewellery at events where they are considered staples 
  • women who wear saris and gold jewellery at the aforementioned events
  • women who know their way around a makeup bag
  • women whose straightened hair look glossy and amazing
  • women who voluntarily invite other people to their house
  • women who can take a 'no' bravely
  • women who enjoy socialising
  • women who are good at public speaking
  • women who journal
  • women who can wake up early in the morning and are happy about it
  • women who run
  • women who know what colours suit them best be continued

what you call episodes

this heavy heart. this feeling of numbness and anxiety ricocheting from my stomach up my throat and banging about the weak insecure cells of my brain. i can't even spell brian, today. brain. 

your vision blears, you carry your weather with you

 This is a story I heard from a friend of a friend.  Usually something to take with a pinch of salt. But I've been watching ' I'...