Thursday 5 September 2019


you ever wonder how to give your support to someone in a way it doesn't contribute to tipping them off/making them spiral down to negativity? how do you 'support' people who are living their lives as if they are peering down the face of a cliff where the tempo of the wind is rising in strange bursts? there is no not supporting them. all right? you want to support them, be there for them. but sometimes it feels you are part of the problem. that you are the one who could actually be giving them a nudge towards the cliff. like the time, you helped them cover a lie. it was just a small lie. but then is it ever just a 'small' one with them? has it ever been? so how do you deal with the complicated mess of emotions when you tell them, yes, i will lie for you, i will support you. you don't wish to be enabling their deep despair or be feeding their clamouring souls that always seem ready to spring out. so how do you support someone?

my sweet boys, I miss you

 Do you ever think of your pets who are no longer with you? I think of our dog - our energetic, unruly boy who was unfortunate enough to be ...