Wednesday 21 April 2021

New diet for the nth time

I am quite fed up of putting on weight, being unhealthy, and having a sloth-like and sedentary lifestyle. I also hate exercising. 

But suddenly I'm worried about my physical health as it pertains to the coming years. Must be the side-effect of being in my 30s, living with family, and this pandemic situation. 

I used to be very skinny way back when I was a teenager and in my 20s. But in the late 20s and these recent years, I have been finding it difficult to reconcile myself with the image in the mirror. I know one should embrace their body and love the weight one is in - but I am so unhealthy due to lack of movement and exercise. I can't join the body positivity movement just yet.

Anyway, I am starting a 'watch my food intake' journey. To be absolutely honest, this is a familiar journey that I've been on a few thousand times. I've done crash dieting, Intermittent Fasting, weekly fasting, and no-meat week, two days of complete fasting....Like everything else in life, only consistent effort pays off when you are trying to lose weight or inculcate a habit. Sigh!

But with my laziness and dislike of exercises there seems to be nothing else left but keeping a tight leash on what I consume. 

  • Milk-sugar tea/coffee only once a week
  • No biscuits/cookies
  • No chips
  • Cut down on rice 
  • At least one fruit everyday
  • Lots of water
  • More veggies 
  • More beans and daal
I've already started the 'no tea' thing and have also started eating more fruits. Let's see how long I can stick to this, yeah!

Hope I lose my excess weight. I also pray for a miracle and I start exercising. 

(I know I could exercise right now but I know I won't so that's why I'm praying for a miracle!)

This morning I came across these insightful statements by Haruki Murakami in his book - What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

Haruki Murakami excerpt

The man has been running for a really, really long time. And what he writes about interest trumping willpower when it comes to an activity one is not naturally inclined towards or doing something for the long run - that is absolutely true.

If I were not in love with reading, I would have quit happily when I was in the throes of a reading slump  the past couple of years. And I'm the unhealthiest I've ever been with the most weight gain in my life but I can't, for the life of me, find the willpower to exercise.

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