Monday 4 January 2021

new year, Monday, and me

My RJ plushie arrived sooner than expected. Well done, delivery service!

newly arrived RJ with old pal Koya

And being back at work is not stressful (as evidenced by my taking the time to write this during work hours). I just woke up and decided to conquer the day. 

I'm lying.

It just happened. That's the beauty of life, isn't it? One worries and stresses till the back of their head starts grating and pounding. Nausea rises up. But oh well, when D-day is here, miraculously, it is just like any other mildly pleasant day at work. hehehehehe. Love that for me.

I want to try to incorporate this into my daily life. 

Stop sweating the small stuff. Letting go of trivial issues. Not focusing on the big problems before they actually have to be dealt with. Breath in, breath out. Repeat X. 

Also, Weverse published Yoongi's interview today and he once again reiterated on that notion of not scrambling after perfection. "You"ll never release anything if you nitpick everything."

Yes, Yoongi, you are right. We just got to enjoy the process of ideating, creating, and releasing whatever we are working on. But I guess perfectionists or those with a particular vision have it hard. My heart and support are with them. 

I, on the other hand, will try to emulate what Yoongi says so that I can stress less. Life's hard enough already. No one needs the baggage of work stress.

May we have a better, safer new year. 2020 - be gone, and take your global pandemic with you!! 

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