Wednesday, 30 June 2021

am I rich yet?

When it comes to money and savings, an incredible eye-opener for me has been the fact that gift-giving is my love language. I'm extremely willing to take the time to research and then plot and plan how to give something 'nice', 'useful', 'meaningful', and 'wanted' to my loved ones. 

And circling back to money - I often end up splurging on gifts when I clearly can't afford to. I gave my dad an expensive watch for his 60th birthday last year. I'm finishing the monthly payments this July- right after 12 months. I also gifted my sister an expensive piece of jewellery - borrowing money from my mom to pay for it. I clearly couldn't afford these gifts, yet I couldn't help myself. Then I, of course, fall into a quagmire of broke life and mounting debts.


When I come across videos on YouTube where people are shelling out advice on saving money which invariably includes this 'tip' - don't buy coffee - it makes me want to roll my eyes. I mean, I did think it was quite a smart tip initially but after thinking it over, it made me consider how saving on one coffee a day isn't going to add anything substantial to the bank account. I assume these budget gurus are literally just taking the easy route and shoving the most obviously common tips in their lists. 

Anyway, I tend to find this 'tip' rather inane these days.

I'd suggest starting by trying to curb other unnecessary and more expensive habits. Like maybe cutting down on the number of takeaways or, in my case, dialling back on expensive gifts when I can't afford to.


Monday, 21 June 2021 old dream in the form of handheld vacuum cleaners

Ordered two handheld vacuum cleaners. Excited about this because I've literally wanted one for many, many years. It's Amazon Prime Day so decided to take the plunge and get some cheap ones for the present. If the experience is good, I might get an upgrade and get a better (and, sadly, more expensive one) next year.

Adulthood. hehehe. 

Monday, 7 June 2021

carry on

what does being 33 feel like?

this really is my last month being 33. 

shouldn't i feel wiser, braver, stronger, and have a settled core (whatever that means)?

but instead, here i am, still lost and scared, more times than i can count.

some days i feel brave. some days i feel strong. and that makes me feel resolute about living this life with gratitude.

but then i retreat to this by-now familiar cloak. it is coarse but comfortable. one that i would like to throw off permanently. 


what a grand sounding age.

but the number of years i've existed has been nothing valuable. or interesting. or accomplished.

is this all that's left of life? growing older by day. body decomposing, mind rotting, spirit growing weak.

we are taught to find a spot for ourself in this factory-like structure of society. the study, work, socialise, live structure of life that we are expected to conform to and slip our existence into. the trophies we collect along the way - the certificates from school, the promotions and increased pay at work, the invitations we garner from friends and acquaintances. we are supposed to have a certain number of these. this is to depict where we stand in this factory of existence. but are these actually trophies or traps to ensure our conformity and acquiescence?


some say this is still a young age, not terribly young but still youthful when in comparison to the decades of living we have left ahead.

so, plenty of time to make mistakes, ponder, regret and carry on.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

nature and her blessings, social media and its gifts

In today's episode of things that make my heart sing, I present to you.........drum roll......

I love this account so much. And I'm thankful to the person behind it, the one who sees the beauty and captures it in such a beautiful way. I can almost imagine myself in the vicinity of the pictures.

What is it about nature and flowers!

feeling blessed

 I'm feeling more alive. I'm happy to be alive. It will change tomorrow, probably. But I am feeling blessed today. A long way to go ...