Thursday, 3 December 2020

'Look at the wildflower'

 Okay, life pro tip #

'Just do it'


Okay, okay - let me explain.

I bet a lot of us drown in the belief that if we're not good enough at something then there's no point in doing it or talking about it. Essentially, we consider that to have been a waste of time and effort. 

Case in point - I want to make short videos but I can't even take good photographs, why do I even think I can make videos?

Or someone may enjoy baking but their cakes/cookies might not be all that they hope for.  Or someone else loves painting. It relaxes them. They enjoy playing with colours. But their paintings do not reflect the image they had in their heads. So they think they are absolutely terrible at it and should stop wasting their time.

So this article I read said something like this - (I'm paraphrasing here) - The main point is that we're doing something we are interested in and enjoy. That itself holds value. It doesn't matter if the end result is not the quality we wanted. That shouldn't hold us back. We shouldn't let the fear of 'failure' or anxiety of producing low quality work stop us from pursuing things we are interested in.

Two days before his birthday, Jin (from BTS) published a letter and released a song. In the letter, he wrote about grappling with imposter syndrome and low self-esteem issues. Most notably, he shared how he had discussions with Bang PD (BH CEO) about his feelings and his fear that the music he makes is not good enough. Bang PD said, “Such things are not important. But if you give it a try, you’ll surely do a good job. I’ll look for someone who has a good fit for you.”

Now doesn't that perfectly tie with what I read earlier this week? It felt like a transformational moment for me when I read that letter and remembered the earlier article. 

Then I also started thinking of the many times Yoongi has told his members to release their mixtape instead of waiting for it to be 'perfect'. The younger members have been working on their mixtapes for quite some time now and I think Yoongi is correct when he says sometimes you just have to put yourself and your work out there. Because when you are waiting for perfection, you might be losing out on the raw, beautiful moments that actually sum up our life.

So the life pro tip is to not get too bogged down by peculiar standards of beauty, perfection, skill, etc. At the risk of sounding cliche, life is truly a journey and everything we do has a starting point, a mid point and an end point. We should learn to enjoy all these three stages. Everything has value. Let us try our best to throw away our fear, insecurity, and impossible standards. 

p.s. I don't know if I made any sense

p.p.s: Please listen to Jin's song. 'Abyss' is raw and emotional and beautiful. 

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