Saturday 18 May 2024


Our lives are intertwined. It's been half a decade and I still pray to gods that are not mine. At home, we add green sprouts to our chatpatey, after a relative I don't talk to at all or even particularly like, made it for me. If I come across news about a football club or a footballer, I still wish them good luck because they are a favourite of a partner some years past. I've been meaning to read a book ever since a friend said she loved it and every time I see the book or author mentioned, I remember I need to read it because my friend loves this book. 

Black coffee reminds me of another friend. Different comic books are forever tied to different sets of people. 

'I am a mosaic of everyone I've ever loved, even for a heartbeat.'

feeling blessed

 I'm feeling more alive. I'm happy to be alive. It will change tomorrow, probably. But I am feeling blessed today. A long way to go ...